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Without Functional Lab Work That Allows You To 'Test NOT Guess!'

Go From Tired, Uncomfortable, Stuck, And Frustrated - To Energized, Calm, In Control
Yes I Want In!

So You’ve Tried Everything That Used To Work In The Past And Nothing Seems To Work Anymore?


 There's a REASON for that...


Whether you’re just starting out on your weight release journey or you’ve been at it for a while, here’s the truth: 

Now more than ever, in today's fast-paced world, achieving optimal hormonal balance is the key to shedding excess weight and experiencing unparalleled well-being during perimenopause.

But, like many of my clients before, you have enrolled in fitness programs, cut calories, yet everything you have tried in the past no longer seems to work. Perhaps you struggle to stay consistent, your symptoms are holding you back, or your doctor says you are fine (when you know you aren't) and you just don’t know where to start.

If that’s the case — Midlife Mojo is the roadmap you need to balance your hormones, make nutrition easy and get your hormones tested so you can release weight in your perimenopause body.

Are you ready to heal your hormones, get the answers you deserve, feel the best you ever have in your body, and finally come home to yourself?




“Down 5 lbs since starting and weight loss wasn't even my goal. My sleep has vastly improved, no nights sweats, wake up before my alarm feeling energized, better mood, no midday crash, no cravings!"

- Christine


“Hot Flashes are down and not as intense. Night sweats are also down. Cravings are pretty much gone. Energy levels are better, no need for afternoon naps anymore. Feeling SO much more positive this week!“

- Alana


“At the end of week 2 I am now down 2 lbs AND I have lost 1 inch off of my chest, 1 inch from each of my arms, 1 inch off of my hips, 1 1/2 off each thigh and 3 off of my waist!!! So happy!”

- llse



"I have lost 7 pounds and gotten rid of a lot of inflammation. I am sleeping better than I ever have in years and my overall well being is  so much better"

- Lynn Bjornholt

What You Can Expect In Midlife Mojo:


You will start to feel less bloated, have better periods & even begin to sleep better.

The KEY steps to eliminating known stressors to your health and hormones and create energy and bandwidth to heal. 


More energy, fewer cravings and think much more clearly with customized metabolic typing.

An Individualized Metabolic Typing Test to master your individual fuel mixture so you never wonder what to eat again and build a solid foundation for speeding up healing and optimizing hormones…nutrition after all has the BIGGEST impact on our more cravings or afternoon energy slumps.


Real answers Inside Of YOUR Body with a functional lab for your hormones.

No more guessing whether your hormones are imbalanced or disappearing, a proper functional lab and customized protocol will help to identify the loss of function in your hormones and give you the exact steps to heal it for a better libido, deeper sleep and the best energy.


A body that gets results from fitness when you put in the effort.

Once you start to notice more energy than you know what to do with, you will learn how to put that into fitness and get results in a way that supports your hormones!


Most of all, Midlife Mojo offers you the tools you need to feel happy and healthy in your perimenopause body.



Gone are the days of working out harder, cutting calories, and early morning alarms trying to make sure you’re getting a workout in. If you’re ready to feel in control of your body and want a clear and proven strategy to feel your best, Midlife Mojo is for you.

Master what's happening in your perimenopause body. You'll learn how to:

  • Reduce cravings, build energy and support this significant hormonal transition with simple actions. 
  • Know your unique metabolic type to understand your fuel mixture to make nutrition easy and effortless. No more cravings and food obsessed thinking. 
  • Support YOUR specific hormone imbalance by uncovering the hidden stressors in your body through proper functional hormone testing. 

It’s time to make health, hormones and weight release SIMPLE. 

Enroll In Midlife Mojo Today

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Here’s what you get when you enroll during this limited time period:

 Midlife Mojo

(A $3,000 Value)
  • 5 Step-By-Step Simple Modules
  • My proven 90 day protocol to take you from health debt and symptoms, to fat burning
  • A complete and individualized metabolic typing test to give you your genetic fuel mixture
  • A comprehensive Stress & Hormone Panel diagnostic test to discover the hidden internal stressors and any loss of function in your own hormones
  • A private 1:1 call to go over your test results and a customized 90 day protocol to heal the lost  function and hormone imbalance in your body
  • A community of sisters to support you along the way with daily coaching access to get your questions answered and keep you accountable
  • 12 live (and recorded) coaching calls to help you through any roadblocks or confusion and overwhelm
Module 1

Health Debt

In weeks 1 and 2 we will focus on getting out of health debt by making simple, steady changes to the 4 key pillars of all healthy bodies and lives. Eliminating known stressors to your health and hormones and create energy and bandwidth to heal. You will start to feel less bloated, have better period and PMS and even begin to sleep better.

Module 2

Metobolic Type

In weeks 3 and 4 we will tune into YOUR unique Metabolic Type to understand how YOUR food makes YOU feel and master your individual fuel mixture so you never wonder what to eat again and build a solid foundation for speeding up healing and optimizing hormones. You will start to have more energy, fewer cravings and think much more clearly. 

Module 3

 Eliminate  Stressors

In Weeks 5, 6 and 7 we are going to eliminate hidden internal stressors as we go through the results of your stress and hormone panel, a key lab test that you take from your own home which helps us uncover healing opportunities unique to you and your stress and repair hormones and your main sex hormones.

Module 4

Bullet Proof Your Hormones

In Weeks 8 and 9 we are going to bullet proof your hormones with some KEY steps that A LOT of people skip. Looking at the hidden stressors that interfere and throw off your hormones and your health so you don’t slide back into old habits. Making you ready to invest it into your body for fat burning or muscle building…and your body will be ready for it too!

Module 5

Build Your Best Body

Finally in weeks 10, 11 and 12 we are going to introduce fitness to build your best body. You are going to start to build muscle now that you have the health reserves to do so, seeing steady results that will last and recognize what changes to your nutrition you need to make in order to support these changes long term.


Enroll In Midlife Mojo

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A One-Time Payment of



PLUS When You Join Today You Will Also Receive These Bonuses

To Help You Bring Your Mojo Back To Life


Lifetime Access

$1997 Value

  • Lifetime access to all future updates of the core program so you can always stay balanced and have no excuses. 


Hormone Balancing Nutrition Guide

$97 Value

  • Over 40 Recipes and How to Become a Master Meal Prepper to make nutrition a no brainer


Hormone Healing Meditations

$47 Value

  • To keep your mind focused on success and eliminate old habits from keeping you stuck.


365 Day Workout Tracker (For Results That Just Don't Quit)

$97 Value

  • So you stay motivated and on track as you watch your body transform


How To Detox Your Life From Hormone Disruptors

$150 Value

  • Toxin free living expert Loni Brown, will simplify the hormone disruptors in your life so you can confidently ensure you aren’t undoing your hard work.


Cycle Synching Foundations Guild

$98 Value

  • In this brand new bonus, you will be guided to align your daily routines, nutrition, and wellness practices with your  menstrual cycle for optimal health and balance.



Hormone Healing 30-Minute Private Kickstarter Call ($250 Value)


If the thought of managing weight and hormones in the coming months has you feeling a little stressed, don't worry – this is the PERFECT bonus for you!

When you sign up today, you unlock an exclusive bonus where we dive deep into your personal hormone healing journey. We'll help you breeze through this time feeling fabulous!

And guess what? You’ll save $500 off Midlife Mojo…

Plus, you’ll enjoy this season with tips that are so easy and tailored just for you, you’ll be rocking your health and feeling amazing every step of the way!

When You Add it All Up, That’s A Total Real-World Value of $6,885.


But because I’m super excited to welcome you into the Midlife Mojo family, I’m giving you the opportunity to enroll TODAY for just…

Enroll In Midlife Mojo Today 

3 Monthly Payments of



A One-Time Payment of



Join Now Before The Doors Close

Along With Your Ability To Receive 1:1 Coaching














Join Today and This Could Be You Inside

"It has been nearly 8 months since I took your program, I have been embracing all that you taught me and I’m down 25lbs!"

- Kelsey

Enroll In Midlife Mojo Today And Save

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It’s time to make weight loss and energy gain easy again. 


Thriving in perimenopause is the result of knowing your body, healing any hormone imbalance that you have and going with the flow of your female hormone rhythm. It’s about accomplishing all that you want, feeling present and patient and trusting that when you put the effort into your body, you get the results that you want. When you understand how your hormones work in perimenopause, how to heal your imbalance and how to work WITH them, you can have the body and life that you have always wanted, at any age. 

Here’s the thing, I totally understand what it feels like in hormonally shifting years of perimenopause when it feels like your body is working against you, I have been there too. I worried that I was always going to feel like I am struggling to feel energized and have to give up all of the things I liked eating to get rid of the extra belly fat I didn’t deserve. I craved more patience, clarity and results from all of the effort I was putting in to feel good in my body.  

Does this sound familiar? 

I know you know that feeling effortless in your body, energized all day long, confident in your nutrition and fitness choices are important to your life. I also know that pieces like a present libido and quality sleep and a menstrual cycle that you aren’t scared of half of the month are critical to feeling alive and like you can accomplish all that you want.

I created Midlife Mojo so you never have to google ‘how to lose weight in perimenopause’ or ‘how to sleep better in perimenopause’ or ‘how to get rid of hot flashes’ ever again, and so you can get feel good in your body through menopause and beyond.

If you have ever felt that you are stuck, that you are exhausted and have no energy, that your hormones are working against you or that nothing you used to do to feel great is working anymore — Midlife Mojo is exactly what you need. Finally, An Easy Way To Release The Weight In Perimenopause In Less Than 90 Days, Without Adding More To Your To-Do List.

Ready? Let’s do this. 

Bria Gadd (AKA. The Period Whisperer)


If you’re on the fence… Or if other weight loss programs have left you skeptical… Then I want to give you EVERY opportunity to try Midlife Mojo and experience how easy and exciting it can actually be to feel better without adding more to your to-do list.

If you aren’t completely satisfied with Midlife Mojo, let us know within the first 10-days for a 50% Refund.

**No Full Refunds Due To Test Ordering

Join Midlife Mojo Today

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