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I help women in midlife know and heal

their own body, so that they can

reach peak performance.

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The shifting of hormones in midlife can be one of the most overwhelming, isolating and confusing times for women. With over 67% of women suffering with symptoms of perimenopause and not getting the help that they need, this ‘reverse puberty’ transition is deeply misunderstood. But it doesn’t have to be. 

Unexplained weight gain, disrupted sleep, brain fog that is impacting productivity, and anxiety are just a few of the most commonly reported symptoms of women in midlife who are being told that their blood work is fine when they most definitely do not feel fine. 

I have a passion for teaching women in midlife how to decode the messages of their body through simple metaphors, where they will learn the critical shift to finally understanding the root cause of their symptoms and their body, as well as the 5 simple steps to unlocking physical, mental and emotional peak performance, in perimenopause and beyond. 

About Bria 


Bria Gadd is a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® Practitioner, holistic health coach, and certified personal trainer, who specializes in female hormones, helping women with weight release and energy gain in pre and post menopause, and finding clarity in hormonal chaos.

After helping thousands of women lose weight in their 20's and 30's, Bria recognized a difficult shift in women's ability to get results in their body during their perimenopause years. With more than 15 years of experience in the fitness and nutrition industry, Bria created a proven strategy to dramatically improve the challenges women are experiencing in weight release, energy and midlife.

Her podcast The Period Whisperer is a top 1% wellness podcast in the world with an instagram following of over 17,000. Bria has been featured in Fox News, Women's Health and top women's podcasts such as The MidLife Makeover Show to name a few.


Bria's Talks


Mastering Midlife: The Simple Shift To Peak Performance In Perimenopause

Mastering Midlife clarifies the actual shifts in the female body that we were never taught, shifting the perspective to the gifts of perimenopause and the foundational steps that will take women to peak performance.

In this powerful keynote address, participants will walk away with:

  • The number 1 way to Increase energy and productivity in their life
  • 3 techniques to get their body responding to health and weight loss efforts at any age
  • A strategy to avoid the 2 common pitfalls that lead to hormone imbalance in perimenopause
  • 5 proven, straight forward steps to improve sleep, digestion, health and achieve peak performance
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Perfect Perimenopause: Bulletproof Your Health & Hormones

In The Perfect Perimenopause workshop we'll dive deeply into foundational health principals, practical exercises to increase energy supply and hormone production, and real-time applications to ensure you're hearing, understanding and responding to your body's needs. 

By the end of this workshop, you will:

  • Understand how to nourish your unique body with nutrition it genetically needs.

  • Develop a reliable framework for having consistent energy and better quality sleep.

  • Gain clarity for the types of fitness and activities that will build your best body.
  • Walk away with a clear, actionable blueprint for your very next steps in health, ensuing your hormones are protected as you age.

Book Bria

"The benefits of learning from Bria are so many. My body, mind and spirit are all in a much better place. It has helped me with all of my relationships! I did not know that my body had all of the answers. That everything that I’ve ever wanted is within me. Thank-you Bria on shining the light on the fact that there is nothing wrong with me … I just need to trust me, believe in me and love me. When we make space to listen to ourselves our bodies deliver. "

Financial Advisor

" It has been nearly 8 months since I started your program, I have been embracing all that you taught me and I’m down 25lbs! "

Kelsey L.

"I was skeptical of the process but I stuck with the formula and dove into all the resources, live coaching calls, and podcasts. Today I feel great in my body! After around 6 months of "sticken' to it" the weight has released (I refuse to get on the scale so not sure of a number). I had a lot to trial and errors along the way where I "fell off the wagon", followed by a week of headaches and feeling really crappy but got right back to the formula. I have energy, sleep through the night, and I am much more pleasant to be around. So...stick to the process! I remember a live coaching call with Bria and my goal was to fit into my pre-Covid work clothes, well they fit! But most importantly I feel great! Thank you Bria"

Margo O.

"As women we are so used to doing everything for everyone else putting our family, our friends and our work before ourselves. When I first started working with Bria I was exhausted, lacking the energy to make it through my day and there was no time for the things that brought me joy. Her gentle coaching helped me see that by working on a few tweaks to my day, I wasn’t taking away from my day, in fact these steps would give me more energy,time, and the strength to not only make it through my day but thrive throughout my day. I like to think of my time with Bria as coming home. With her guidance and encouraging ways I have tapped back into my own knowing, learning to trust the cues my body is giving me. I am sleeping through the night and no longer walking up between 2 and 3 am. My clothing fits better and simple tasks like taking out the recycling no longer feel like a dreaded chore. I encourage you to consider working with Bria and reclaiming your energy and joy. Learning how to understand your body and using this information as a tool to live your best life. "

Business Owner

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