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Ep 57: Why You NEED To Pay Attention To Your Moodiness In Perimenopause

Season #1

Oh boy...deep in my Luteal phase, this is a sassy episode sisters...but one I KNOW you will learn something in. As a recovering people pleaser, understanding this KEY aspect to my moods during "that time of the month" has been life changing to say the least. DON'T MISS MY FREE LIVE TRAINING NEXT WEEK: Perfect Perimenopause FREE Training REGISTER HERE: LEARN MORE ABOUT THE JANUARY COUPLES CHALLENGE  HERE:  ***ANNOUNCING {BY application only} 2 Month Hormone Re-Balancing Private Coaching Program OPEN Apply here: This Program is designed to help: If you are struggling with low energy, insomnia, brain fog and daily exhaustion, this program will get you back into clarity, consistent energy and patience, for your career, your family and your sex drive If you are struggling with unexplained weight gain, stubborn belly fat, cravings and bloating, you will head into 2023 feeling lighter, and in a body that releases weight easily without doing more and not consumed by your body every day If you cannot seem to follow through on your goals or plan to be healthier because your perimenopause symptoms or life keep getting in the way, this program will help you gain the confidence and motivation to become the woman you know in your gut you should be Space is limited apply today! 


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Two Step

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