Ep 116: Summer Alcohol & Perimenopause, How To Cope
Is your relationship with alcohol in the summer one that keeps you up at night? I know mine is...This episode is for you if you want to understand whether it is the reason for your hormonal chaos and or weight gain, and what to begin to do about it. Connect with Bria: https://www.briatheperiodwhisperer.com/ https://www.instagram.com/bria_period_whisperer/ Apply for hormone healing and weight release coaching: https://uspejnyhlpm.typeform.com/to/wTAijpBg?typeform-source=www.briatheperiodwhisperer.com Join the Perimenopause Posse: https://www.briatheperiodwhisperer.com/perimenopause-posse Get my 10 Hormone Hacks + Training https://www.briatheperiodwhisperer.com/courses The Period Whisperer's 10 Laws of Happy Hormones - A Free Guide https://www.briatheperiodwhisperer.com/10-laws-of-happy-hormones-in-perimenopause Get my EVERY DAY GREENS (use BRIA as a discount code at checkout for 15-20% off!!!) https://www.organifishop.com/products/green