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EP 127: Do You Have To Give Up Caffeine, Sugar & Alcohol To Release Weight In Perimenopause?

Season #2

Have you ever found yourself wondering if your morning coffee to get you going, your afternoon treat to keep you going or your evening glass of wine to calm the rough edges of your day are at all a part of why you are struggling in perimenopause?

Or maybe you just have a little voice inside of you that you keep denying which says ‘if I could just give this up, maybe it would make a difference on the scale? So you decide to give it up but when your alarm goes off the next morning or you hit that afternoon energy slump or feel so rattled at the end of your day that you just ‘whatever, I don’t care a girl needs to live a little?’

You are not alone, I used to have these same conversations with myself every day and this episode is for you!

I am going to walk you through:

- Whether or not you really need to cut out caffeine, sugar and or alcohol to hit your goals / feel better, and answer the question.. are they impacting your hormones?

- How to know if you just need a trial separation or a complete divorce from the relationship you have with these habits.

- Share with you the explanation of these particular foods and their impact on your body that changed everything for me!



Get on the VIP WAITLIST for Early Bird Pricing for the brand new signature course Midlife Mojo here: 

 It is a 12 week course that we will commit to together and it is designed to:


1. Get You Out Of Hormonal chaos (including mood swings, night sweats & heavy periods), 

2. Eliminate and Heal Inflammation in your body (no more bloating, brain fog, exhaustion and cravings) Optimize your Metabolism (bring on the energy!) 

3. Shift into Fat Burning Mode (hello results so you will Release The Weight….and guess what? I am guaranteeing it. 

Start shifting into fat burning NOW!

Get on the waitlist so you do not miss early bird pricing: 



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