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Ep 170: Post Menopausal, From Sick, Exhausted & Uncomfortable To Consistent, Energized & Free w/ Christine Lovelace

Season #2


My Proven, signature course, Midlife Mojo is OPEN here:

It is a 12 week course that we will commit to together and it is designed to:

1. Get You Out Of Hormonal chaos (including mood swings, night sweats & heavy periods)

2. Eliminate and Heal Inflammation in your body (no more bloating, brain fog, exhaustion and cravings) Optimize your Metabolism (bring on the energy!) 

3. Shift into Fat Burning Mode (hello results so you will Release The Weight….and guess what? I am guaranteeing it. 

Start shifting into fat burning NOW!

If you have (or have always had) Period challenges, if you are irregular now or don’t have a period, if you have ever felt dismissed by your health care practitioner and completely lost in how you feel in your body, then this is the episode for you. My Midlife Mojo student, Christine Lovelace struggled with all of this and more. She suffered a stroke after being put on birth control, she experienced lifelong issues with her period, with stress and debilitating sadness, with trying everything to feel better and release weight and never getting any help or answers. She shares how she used to use food to numb her emotions, had no self-control around food, had tried many diets, gone to coaches (nutrition and life-coaches), but I never had any energy except to sit in a chair, watch TV and eat popcorn…until now! 

Tune in to learn:

1. How she has finally been able to eat more and release weight.

2. How she has been able to have consistent energy.

3. How she now feels so much peace around eating, living and health in her life.


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