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Ep 131: Are You Even In Perimenopause?

Season #2

Wondering if it is your hormones and perimenopause that is making you feel stuck? You are not alone, 73% of the 40 million women going through perimenopause right now, are wondering the same thing...and so was I!

This episode is for YOU.

Tune in to learn:

1. The 3 step checklist that will confirm whether or not it IS your hormones that are making you feel stuck, frustrated and that your body is suddenly speaking a different language.

2. If you ARE in perimenopause how to KNOW if a strategy or health program will work for you or not so you don't waste any more time and money. 



Doors are OPEN for the brand new signature course Midlife Mojo here:


It is a 12 week course that we will commit to together and it is designed to:


1. Get You Out Of Hormonal chaos (including mood swings, night sweats & heavy periods), 

2. Eliminate and Heal Inflammation in your body (no more bloating, brain fog, exhaustion and cravings) Optimize your Metabolism (bring on the energy!) 

3. Shift into Fat Burning Mode (hello results so you will Release The Weightā€¦.and guess what? I am guaranteeing it. 


Start shifting into fat burning NOW!

Lock in your results NOW!




50% Complete

Two Step

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